Registration Information



Period Registration Fee Reminder
即日起 好友推薦價
Recommendation Price
Per person
  • 請務必填寫「已報名好友」的中文姓名。
    Fill out your friend’s name who introduced this event to you.
  • 好友資料經確認無誤後,才享有此優惠。
    The discount will be effective after the data has been confirmed.
  • 佳音英語保留報名資格審核權。
    Joy reserves the right to refuse the discount.
7/1起 一人行
Standard Price
(one person)
  • 三人同行,只要一人填寫報名表及繳交總額。
    If three people go together, only one person fills out the form and remits the total payment for the three people.
Standard Price
(three people)
Per person

The registration fee includes free gifts, lunch, snacks, coffee, and tea.

Payment Information

Please arrange the payment within three days after filling out the form.

  • 郵局劃撥(請務必填寫中文姓名) Postal Wire Transfer
    戶名 Account Name:佳音事業股份有限公司
    帳號 Postal Account No.:19697122
  • ATM轉帳、銀行匯款 ATM transferring or bank remittance
    戶名 Account Name:佳音事業股份有限公司
    帳號 Account Number:31-10200-0006692
    銀行 Bank:上海商銀—松南分行
    代碼 Bank Code:011

Please inform Ms. Yang of your name, phone number, and the last five digits of your account number after the payment is done. The registration will be complete after Ms. Yang is notified.

楊小姐 Ms. (Lily) Yang



Refund Policy

  1. 各場次取消報名且可退費期限。
    Deadline of cancelation and refund.
  2. Before
    7/28 (Fri.)

    8/4 (Fri.)

    8/4 (Fri.)

  3. 超過期限恕不接受退費。
    No refund after the deadline.
  4. 退費須來電提供「中文姓名、郵局或銀行帳號、電話」,統一以轉帳方式退費,並須扣30元匯款手續費。
    To apply for a refund, please call and provide us with your name, account number, and telephone number. The registration fee will be transferred to your account minus a $30NT service charge.


  1. 為維護課程品質,不開放孩童入場陪同參加。
    To maintain the quality of the training sessions, children under fifteen years of age are not allowed to attend.
  2. 場內禁止錄音錄影。
    Recording, filming, or taking photos is prohibited.

Help & Information

  1. 報名、退費或課程相關服務電話:02-27016769,轉總機9 星期一至五上午8:30–12:30 / 下午1:30–5:30
    For further details, please call 02-27016769 ext.9 Mon. to Fri. 8:30–12:30, 13:30–17:30
  2. 本公司保有開班與否的權利。
    Joy reserves the rights to change, modify, or terminate the event, at any time without notice.