活動時間與地點 | Dates and Venues

  • 台北



  • 台中



  • 高雄



議題時間表 | Schedule

時間 Time 場次 Sessions 主講者 Speaker
09:20–09:30 / 5 min Fun to Start Class Ms. Lynn Chien
09:30–11:00 / 90 min 故事說出吸引力
Storytelling in Teaching and Learning
Ms. Jassie Huang
11:00–12:30 / 90 min 閱讀讀出反思力
Learn to Read, Read to Learn
Ms. Joyce Huang
12:30–13:30 / 60 min Lunch
13:30–13:40 / 10 min Get Ready for Class Ms. Lynn Chien
13:40–15:10 / 90 min 對話教出溝通力
Teaching Dialogue with Conversation Hearts
Ms. Corita Liu
15:10–16:40 / 90 min 素養玩出英語力
Effective Games to Improve Literacy Skills
Ms. Grace Bu
16:40–17:00 / 20 min Closing Remarks Ms. Lynn Chien

課程特色|Sessions Introduction




Ms. Jassie Huang


Storytelling in Teaching and Learning

"‘Thou shalt not’ is soon forgotten, but ‘Once upon a time’ lasts forever."–Philip Pullman。故事總有著磁鐵般的魔力,在聽、讀故事的過程中,以有趣、深入淺出的方式,增進聽力、字彙、口語、思考、邏輯的發展,同時奠定閱讀、寫作的基礎。在「素養導向教學」的過程中,適當運用故事教學,不但能讓學生聽說讀寫並進,還能透過故事融入語言、生活、文化的課堂來活化教學。

  1. 為什麼要將說故事融入教學中?
  2. 瞭解自身的教學特質,選擇適合的說故事方式及練習方法。
  3. 故事教學的技巧與示範。
  4. 選擇故事的原則。

Stories are always attractive. When students are listening to stories, they are not only developing their listening and speaking skills but are also building the foundations of reading and writing. Stories allow students to learn from different cultures and areas while improving their literacy skills. Telling and reading stories is the best way to open the door to the world.

  1. Reasons for integrating stories into teaching
  2. Developing your storytelling style
  3. Storytelling techniques and demonstrations
  4. Tips for choosing suitable materials




Ms. Joyce Huang


Learn to Read, Read to Learn


  1. 認識閱讀策略。
  2. 閱讀策略的運用與活動示範。

Literacy Focus is important for teaching and learning. The workshop will teach you how to develop students’ reading strategies and help them analyze the content, think about it, and express themselves. "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." Let’s help students to be independent learners!

  1. Reading strategies
  2. Demonstrations of reading strategies development




Ms. Corita Liu


Teaching Dialogue with Conversation Hearts


  1. 對話教學的基本原則(從對話到會話)
  2. 對話情境營造的方法(如何讓學生理解並練習在對的時間、對的場合和對的人,說對的話)
  3. 對話練習活動示範(用對話溝通力來培養解決問題的能力)

Dialogues play an important role in English learning. Students can learn and speak more naturally in meaningful situations. Let’s help students use what they have learned and build their confidence!

  1. Basic principles of teaching a dialogue
  2. Methods of creating meaningful situations
  3. Dialogue teaching activities




Ms. Grace Bu


Effective Games to Improve Literacy Skills


  1. 遊戲的目的設計原則。遊戲的類別有很多種,素養導向的教學中,設計的方法是什麼。
  2. 不同學習目的的遊戲示範與技巧說明。

We all love games. So do our students! Games help students learn with motivation. How can we design an effective game to improve literacy skills efficiently? What do students develop through the game? Let’s learn and have fun!

  1. Principles and objectives of game design
  2. Demonstrations and instructions