



競賽進行方式/Procedure of Competition


  1. 參賽隊伍自行選定1個參賽單元,按下方規定設計教案。每隊限交1份教案。一經報名確定後不得更改單元。
  2. 教案單元

Rules of Competition

  1. Participants can choose any of the competition units and design a lesson plan within the allotted timeframe. Each team may only submit one lesson plan. Units cannot be changed once registration has been confirmed.
  2. Teaching Units
    Select a dialogue, reading, or patterns from MJ9–16 and design a 25-minute lesson around it.


  1. 初賽
    1. 教案內容須含
      1. 參賽單元
      2. 教學目標
      3. 教學對象(人數)
      4. 教學步驟
      5. 教學方法暨簡述執行方式
      6. 時間
      7. 教具
    2. 教案撰寫的字型,中文皆為微軟正黑體,英文皆為Arial,行距為單行間距。
    3. 字體大小:參賽單元、內容文字皆為12號字級。
    4. 請插入頁碼。
    5. 版面之邊界請將上、下、左、右各調整為2cm。
    6. 全文勿超過5,000字及10M容量。
    7. 請以Microsoft Word軟體製作,並轉存成PDF檔,電子檔存檔名稱以「分校名_參賽單元」命名,例如「佳佳分校_MJ12_Unit3」。若分校有2組以上參賽,則請依順序編號,例如「佳佳分校_MJ12_Unit3_01」、「佳佳分校_MJ12_Unit3_02」依此類推。
  1. 拍攝重點
    1. 不論攝影機或是手機,請將畫質調至720P以上,螢幕比例16:9〈橫式〉
    2. 拍攝位置座落在可以看見老師完整上課情況最佳,螢幕畫面盡量避免被學生頭檔住
    3. 燈光明亮、授課聲音清晰、不要有雜音
  1. 決賽
    1. 影片需涵蓋授課內容。影片格式請設定解析度1280*720以上,確保影片清晰。並請保留原始檔,以利頒獎典禮當天播放使用。
    2. 影片檔名命名方式:
      1. 授課影片
      2. 網路人氣投票影片
    3. 將影片上傳至YouTube並設定「非公開」後,將連結於繳交截止日前上傳至報名系統,逾期則視為放棄參賽。
    4. 拍攝影片時需取得所有入鏡學生之肖像權,並將簽訂完成之 同影片連結上傳至報名系統。

Content and Submission Specifications

  1. Preliminary Round
    1. The lesson plan must contain
      1. Competition unit
      2. Teaching goals
      3. Target students (class size)
      4. Teaching steps
      5. Simple explanation of teaching steps and how to implement
      6. Timeframe
      7. Teaching Aids
    2. Font for the lesson plan should be 微軟正黑體 for Chinese and Arial for English, single-spaced.
    3. Font size: the competition unit and lesson plan should all be 12 point font.
    4. Please use page numbers.
    5. Margins should be 2 cm all around.
    6. The file should not exceed 5,000 words or 10 MB in size.
    7. Please use Microsoft Word to make the file and save it as a PDF. The file name should be "branch school name_competition unit," e.g., "JoySchool_MJ12_Unit3." If there are two or more teams from one school participating, number the files, e.g., "JoySchool_MJ12_Unit3_01," "JoySchool _MJ12_Unit3_02," and so on and so forth.
  1. Final Round
    1. The video must include teaching process. The video resolution should be 1280*720 or higher and clear. Save the original file to be used during the awards ceremony.
    2. How to name the video files:
      1. Lecture Videos
        Name the videos with “Branch school_Unit” e.g., “Joy Branch School_MJ12_Unit3”.
        If more than one team is participating from the same branch school, add numbers to the end of the name, e.g., “Joy Branch School_MJ12_Unit3_01” “Joy Branch School_MJ12_Unit3_02” etc.
      2. Online Video Voting Clips
        Name the videos with “Online Video Voting_Branch School_Unit” e.g., “Online Video Voting_Joy Branch School_MJ12_Unit3”.
        If more than one team is participating from the same branch school, add numbers to the end of the name, e.g., “Online Video Voting_Joy Branch School_MJ12_Unit3_01” “Online Video Voting_Joy Branch School_MJ12_Unit3_02” etc.
    3. Upload the following to the registration system:
      1. Link of the video. (Videos should be uploaded to YouTube and set to "Unlisted.")
      2. Letters of authorization from the students.
        Release forms must be obtained from every student who appears in the video. The forms must be signed. Upload these release forms to the registration system along with the link of the video.


階段 評選內容 評分項目
初賽 教案設計
  1. 內容30%
  2. 效能30%
  3. 創意30%
  4. 格式10%
決賽 授課影片&網路人氣投票影片
  1. 創意25%
  2. 教學效能20%
  3. 應用性25%
  4. 易於備課20%
  5. 網路人氣投票10%

Scoring Standards

Phase Contents Score Breakdown
Preliminary Round Lesson Plan
  1. Contents 30%
    Follows the ideology of the lesson, the spirit of student-centered teaching, and achieves the teaching goals for the chosen grade level and lesson content. The steps are clear and the entire class is able to participate and engage in the lesson while understanding the contents.
  2. Effectiveness 30%
    Steps are strongly related and flow easily, the design is practical, the activity timeframe is of a reasonable length, and the practice and activities have a logical progression from easiest to hardest.
  3. Creativity 30%
    Content is original, creative, enriching, stimulating and unique.
  4. Format 10%
    The lesson plan format is complete (time, teaching steps, teaching aids, teaching methods), and contents are presented clearly.
Final Round Teaching Video & Online video voting
  1. Creativity 25%
    The lesson incorporates activities derived from various teaching methodologies and reaches each student in an engaging manner.
  2. Effectiveness 20%
    The teaching as a whole is clear and easy to understand. The teaching pace, classroom language, and activity design enable the students not only to fully understand the content, but also to easily apply it. The content is appropriately integrated into cooperative learning, which leads to increased student interest and motivation for independent learning. The activities effectively achieve the learning goals.
  3. Applicability 25%
    The activities and teaching aids are adaptable to other lessons, so that other lessons may be taught in the same effective and timesaving way.
  4. Ease of Preparation 20%
    The activities and teaching aids can be prepared using minimal time (the time usually available to teachers before their class begins).
  5. Online Video Voting 10%
    The host will post each video onto an online platform for popularity voting. An announcement will be made on the Joy English official website for the voting period of May 13–26 (each person gets one vote a day; ticket-filing programs are forbidden. For more details and regulations, refer to the announcement on the voting site.) Participants may ask parents, students, and friends to go online and vote each day.


  1. 報名佳音英語創意教學競賽之分校專兼職老師,需先取得分校主任同意,若經主辦單位查獲未取得分校主任同意出賽者,將取消競賽資格。
  2. 報名佳音英語創意教學競賽即代表參賽者同意其教案將無償授權主辦單位使用。且主辦單位保有調整教案之權力。
  3. 主辦單位對於參賽作品、授課影片、教案說明影片等,擁有無償著作使用權,可以公開展示、重製、編輯、公佈、發行和其他合作方式利用作品內容。
  4. 參賽作品以未曾公開發表者為限,且尚未授權其他營利、非營利事業做為任何用途,若作品經人檢舉或告發涉及著作權或肖像權之侵害,將取消得獎資格,並追回所獲頒之獎金與獎牌。
  5. 參賽作者必須同意「授權書」之約定內容。
  6. 請參賽者作品自留底稿,無論得獎與否,恕不退件。
  7. 作品請勿一稿多投,經檢舉或告發涉及著作權、專利權之侵害,並經查證屬實者,立即喪失競賽資格,並追回原發給之獎金、獎牌及賠償。
  8. 若該競賽無合適之作品,則該獎項以「從缺」計算。

Notes and Reminders

  1. Full-time or part-time teachers who wish to apply for the Joy English Creative Teaching Competition should first obtain permission from the branch school manager. Any participants who are found to have entered without first obtaining permission will be disqualified.
  2. Participants who apply for the Joy English Creative Teaching Competition agree to surrender all copyright free of charge to the organizer. The organizer retains the right to edit or alter any and all submissions.
  3. The organizer retains the right to use any and all submissions including teaching videos, teaching explanation videos, etc. free of charge. This includes, but is not limited to, displaying publicly, remaking, editing, publishing, distribution, or other collaborations.
  4. Competition submissions cannot be previously-published works, have been authorized for profit, or have been used for non-profit for any purpose. If the submission is found to be or is reported to be infringing on copyright or personal privacy, it will be considered invalid, and any award money or medals will be retracted
  5. Participants must agree to the conditions listed in the agreement form.
  6. Participants are asked to retain the original files from all submissions, regardless of whether the submissions have won prizes, as the submitted files will not returned.
  7. Please do not submit one submission multiple times. If any submission is found to be or is reported to be infringing on copyright or personal privacy, it will be considered invalid, and any award money or medals will be retracted.
  8. If no submission fits requirements for any of the award places, the award will be marked as "missing."